The man arrived at the
start of the day
Sat at his desk and
worked hours away
He took no morning tea
nor ate any food
And he never played
music to brighten the mood
He arrived each
morning and sat there at work
He never called sick and
never felt any hurt
He wove every day with
threads from a sack
That he arrived with
each morning over his back
He spun threads into
patterns with focused intent
Reaching into his bag until his materials were spent
Reaching into his bag until his materials were spent
Then in the darkness he left for the night
Looking up to
the sky and the absence of light
For years he had
worked and said not a word
He never hummer or sighed and nothing was heard
He wove and he spun
and he created the pattern
Letting time pass as always had happened
For years he worked
and knew nothing more
Until one day his thumb twitched and became briefly sore
He dropped a
thread for the first time ever
And he stopped abruptly, taking no pleasure
One thread there lay as
long as his chin
There on the floor
curved like a grin
One thread he dropped and let fall away
One thread unwoven for the first time today
He reached down and
lifted the thread to his face
Breathing out softly
as it wafted in space
"Hmmm" he sighed softly hearing the sound
"Hmmm" he said staring at the thread he had found
He held between fingers and
looked at his work
Then tucked the loose
thread in the cuff of his shirt
The next day he worked
hard as he ever could
Watching as
each thread went where it should
He wove and he focused and toiled all the day
He neither sighed nor
spoke and had nothing to say
He worked until sunset
then noticed one thing
The thread now circled his finger as a ring
He looked at his
finger and the thread tied right there
Sighed and yawned and
scratched at his hair
He looked at his
finger where the thread was wound twice
And oddly he found
that he thought it looked nice
It occurred to
him the thread looked yet longer
And thicker and darker and
very much stronger
The next day the
thread had looped round his wrist
And when he saw unthinking he gave it a kiss
He sat at his work
weaving the threads from his sack
But stopped now and
then to stretch out his back
The thread it hung
loose until he stood up at last
And he saw something
remarkable had passed
The thread was now
something quite else
The thread was no
thread but now was a self
A baby, a newborn,
sleeping and warm
A baby, a child, a
sapling, a fawn
“Well now’ he said for
the first time in life
Then lifted the child
and walked into the night
Each day from then on he arrived with the child
And as he worked
through the day often he smiled
He sat at his chair
and wove with attention
But he now sung songs
and found stories to mention
He warmed milk and
filled bottles and changed nappies as well
And each duty bought
joy - except for the smell!
The baby grew bigger
and started to grin
Releasing its
personality from somewhere within
The man realised one
day the babe had no name
And he frowned and he
blinked and then heard the rain
He reached out one
hand and touched the babes cheek
And he let his ancient
cracked voice slowly speak
“Raindrop” he
whispered and the baby fast blinked
Accepting the name
like a contract fresh inked
“Raindrop, my
daughter” he said and stopped at his task
Lifting his daughter
to kiss her at last
“Raindrop” he said and
the baby cried out
“Raindrop” he said
this time with a shout
Raindrop grew fast and
soon learnt to walk
She stumbled and
giggled and started to talk
She stretched into her
body and flexed at her toes
She chewed at apples
and picked at her nose
Raindrop would sit
drawing or sleeping or watch
As her father wove
fabric with no thread ever dropped
Then one evening at
the end of the day
As her father stood and they both walked away
Raindrop turned to her
father as they looked to the night
And asked him a question
as the moon shone full bright
“Where do you go while
I’m sleeping in bed?”
And her father stopped
walking and scratched at his head
He looked back at the
shed when he worked every day
Looked into the
distance with no words to say
He looked down the old
path to the house where she slept
He looked into the
night not knowing what’s next
He looked to his
daughter and his heart filled with hope
And he lifted her to
him and still never spoke
But that night he took
her with him far from their home
That night he went
walking this time not alone
That night he had
company as he filled up his bag
And though she was
frightened she also was glad
She watched what he
did with silent eyes
Never speaking or
sighing or showing surprise
The first place he
walked her was an old house by a lake
Where an elderly
couple sat eating this year’s birthday cake
The old man was
gumming sponge into submission
While his wife sat
knitting in a familiar position
The old man stopped
and frowned and reached to his neck
Scratching at an itch
he did not expect
Then he coughed and
slumped forwards and his wife cried out
And Raindrop watched
her father soft move about
The old man was dead
that she could tell
As the old lady
started sobbing like the clang of a bell
Raindrop watched as her
father reached for the man now dead
Stroked at his neck
and drew back a thread
Then they walked on to
a road in the city
Where a girl walked
and talked so dazzlingly pretty
She was watching her
phone and striding along
Mouthing the words to
a buoyant pop song
When she stepped in
the road and reached to her neck
Scratching an itch she
did not expect
Again Raindrop watched
her father stride in
To where the girl lay
waiting for her end to begin
He reached to her neck
and pulled back the thread
As Raindrop watched
the girl, all words unsaid
The car that had hit
her sat silent and still
The driver inside it
looking shell shocked and ill
Then to a plane sat
keen to depart
Raindrop watched her
father watch for the start
There were hundreds of
passengers sat all in rows
All in their happiness
and holiday clothes
The engines purred and
then built to a roar
And the plane hurtled
the runway determined and sure
And as it arose every
passenger there
Reached up to their
neck to an itch suddenly there
They waved fingers on
skin as the plane suddenly exploded
And their lives in one
beat were swift eroded
Raindrop floating
watched as her father
Gathered the threads
with his bag growing larger
The night was long and
speckled with death
Raindrops father there
for every last breath
He stood silent
witness and reached for the thread
As every new person
became newly dead
Raindrop walked with
him, this man, her Dad
And felt unchecked
love as he carried his bag
Then the sun came and
they came back to the shed
Both awake and alive
and in no need of bed
The bag was bulging
with the threads now to weave
And Raindrop handed
them one by one with such speed
They worked together
and smiled and shared
Knowing and showing
how much that they cared
That night they went
walking with the bag once again
Watching and
witnessing love and such pain
Grandparents died and
her father collected
Each thread that
curled from the itch unexpected
From adults and
children and all who died
Her father caught the
thread that sprang from inside
One night in a
hospital ward they both awaited
A heart torn mother as
she sadly dilated
Raindrop stopped her
father as he walked to the bed
Holding his hand and
shaking her head
Raindrop walked in and
stepped to the child
Lifelessly laying all
moments un-smiled
Raindrop reached out
and plucked at the thread
Turned to the mother
and silently said
“I’m sorry this
happened truly I am
But I’m here with my
father and we understand”
And the mother she
wept and the nurses stood by
And Raindrop and her
father walked to the sky
For years they walked
as Raindrop grew older
Gathering the threads
from plumbers and nurses and soldiers
Gathering threads from
pilots and surfers and sons
From lives long
lived and lives just begun
For years they
gathered and wove daily together
Believing that this
would be this way yet forever
Then one night her father watched a building slow burn
As more lives yet to
death took their final turn
And as he stepped
forward his step caught a hitch
As he felt a sudden
strange, and unexpected, itch
And he turned to Raindrop
and looked at her there
This girl that his
life had found room to share
“Is it my turn?" he
asked and Raindrop reached a hand
Knowing he knew but
could not understand
Raindrop stepped
in and wrapped her arms at his neck
Where his skin tickled from the itch he did not expect
“I love you,” she
whispered as her father died in her arms
Safe and beloved and kept
far from harm
“My daughter” he sighed, the final breath in his chest
Feeling relief from
the itch that no one expects
Raindrop found his thread and held it to her heart
Crying in moonlight as
time pulled them apart
Then slowly she went with all the threads gathered
And she sat at the
loom and worked at what mattered
That night the sun
set and her weaving was done
She stepped to the
darkness in the wake of the sun
And before she went
walking out into the night
She looked to the sky
and the absence of light
And she pulled out the
weaving and threw it on high
Where it swiftly
unfurled and became the night sky
Every memory and
moment from every thread
Every promise and betrayal from every word said
Every passion and
parent and dream ever dreamt
Every moment and
opportunity, wasted or spent
It all spread far in beauty and became the night sky
Added to daily as time
passed swift by
And that night as Raindrop
threw out the stars
A brighter one shone
in distance afar
A shimmering diamond
woven that day
Woven with everything
there was no time to say
A sparkling perfection of light and of love
Raindrop looked to her
father as he sparkled above
And that night as she
walked and gathered the dead
She stopped by the
grieving and softly she said
“They are not gone,
look to the sky every night
Their love shines
there still in every stars light”
She gathered and
witnessed and returned to her home
Working each day, working alone
Raindrop works with her fingers so swift
And each thread she
weaves is a thread she has kissed
She works knowing one
day a thread will slip free
Fall to the floor and slow come to be
She knows as
she weaves the threads she’s collected
That one day she’ll to
feel the itch unexpected
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